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Tag Archives: style
Word for the Occasion
Most everyone knows a malapropism when they see it, even if they don’t know it’s called a malapropism. Here are some malapropisms (followed by the correct form):
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Here are some Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips that anyone can use to get started on improving your ranking in the search results of the major search engines.
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In-house Styleguides
The purpose of an in-house styleguide is to guide writers and editors in a particular company or office with its own style peculiarities. In-house styleguides might include industry usage that conflicts with standard publishing manuals.
Perils of a Living Language
Mankind is notorious for abusing other living things, for example, bird eggs with DDT, deforestation, gorillas in zoo cages, toxic waste, paving paradise, radiation, endangering the Quietschbükers, etc. But what about language? Language is a living thing.
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Tagged editorial, semantics, style, words
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